Your health is the most worthwhile investment of all

Taking control of your health not only means living longer (and stronger) than your parents, but being there for your kids. Running races with your grandchildren. Celebrating your 100th birthday. 

What value would you place on an extra 10 years of vibrant health?

Biography Health may review or recommend many types of tests to provide a clearer picture of your health. We work with your doctor to determine which might be of most value for you.

Types of tests which may be reviewed or recommended:

  • Polygenic Risk Scores - These scores are based on your entire genome (not individual genotypes) and can provide a measure of your risk for health issues due to your genetics.
  • Pharmacogenomics - This test looks at how your DNA affects the way you respond to drugs.
  • Enhanced Cancer Screening - Recommendations could include earlier standard screening, more advanced screening or innovations such as the Galleri multi-cancer early detection test.
  • Blood Analytes - These blood tests provide more information about specific health conditions and your risk for cardiovascular disease.
  • Imaging - Imaging tests measure important signals of health issues such as DEXA scans for bone density and CT scans for analyzing the health of cardiovascular arteries.

Start the journey to your best health

With our White Glove service bundle, you’ll be prepared with the information you need to handle any medical condition.

White Glove Service:

  • Whole genome sequencing with analyses of millions of points of genetic variation to provide a baseline of disease risks.
  • Pharmacogenomics testing to analyze gene variants to inform safer dosing and more efficient selection of medications.
  • A detailed interview with one of our staff to review and dive deep into health story and goals.
  • A personalized DNAbled Blueprint built from genetic analyses, comprehensive past medical history and extended family medical history. Detailed, personalized, actionable recommendations, based on personal risk factors for the primary care provider and patient, are the capstone of the DNAbled Blueprint.
  • Discussion of your DNAbled Blueprint via video call to primary care provider and patient by your precision medicine physician. This critical information can allow the care team to be proactive in the prevention or early detection of serious medical conditions, and includes suggested follow up items for the primary care provider.
  • Precision medicine physician remains available to answer any clarifying questions for six months. Periodic updates are highly recommended, and your first update at six months is included with the white glove bundle.
  • Access to a secure data store where DNA data and recommendations are uploaded. This store is under patient control, empowering the patient to decide what other care providers can access data, and allowing patients to ask questions to our DNAbled Q&A service to learn more about how your DNA and other factors may affect your health journey.
More service bundles coming soon. Want to get started at a lower investment or just need help addressing a specific condition? Check back. Additional levels of care will be added in the upcoming months.